his name is ugo blanco and he was kept illegally.he's just 5 years old and needs training so that eventually he can survive on his own in the forest. >> dora's days of living in a cage are over. her trainers have decided that she's ready to be released into the jungle. animal-rights activists have reintroduced around 160 orangutans into the wild. even if dora seems a little hesitant, she's going to join her fellow primates in the forest and help to strengthen their population. her release will take place deep in the forest. her trainers keep going until they find the perfect place. there's a source of water close by -- and they leave a bit of food handy. >> it went well. she's off to a good start. she climbed to the tree tops and stayed in the forest canopy. it's like when your kids finish high school. you're glad, but when they leave home to go to college, that is hard for parents. but it's what's supposed to happen and that's what counts. >> the conservationists will keep an eye on dora for a little while yet -- until they're sure