i mean it's like bizarro, we're like ugly and they put the head on a venus de milo over there. like so-called shocks like when a notoriously neutral nation with mountains and cheese defends the banking business by shocking the banking system with a year long reversal of its philosophy. that means sell, sell sell sell everything. the swiss, i don't even know and now it's horrible. even the stuff that go higher off the manufacturing crisis went lower today. i say, look don't buy, buy, buy. that's way too glib. pick up the mesh first tox that are entirelily domestic and nothing to do with bottom-saving commodities because commodities are not america per se stocks they are china first stocks and there's plenty of domestic business in restaurants, retailers, real estate investment trusts, utilities. i tell them all about it all the time and throw in the biotechs nothing to do with the swiss situation there. here's the bottom line. america first. i've never felt so good. hope one day -- i hope one day you say he kept us out of foreign currency wars and you think not of woodrow wilson