. >> five years ago, kathleen bowley married wayne, and they started a family here in southern maine. >> i couldn't have asked for a better partner. we shared the same value system. we just felt into it very easily. it was easy. wayne worked as a meat cutter at a butcher shop. one day he fell at work, and was prescribed vicodin and percoset for the pain. several months later he injured his arm at work again, and his doctor prescribed him oxycontin. >> i was in the waiting room and the doctor came out and said we had to give him something stronger this time because he's built up a tolerance. and i thought that was peculiar, but i just nodded and responded to the doctor and that was that. he's the doctor, he's in charge he's the expert. it took me about 9 months to figure out what was going on with him and the prescription pills. i was working from home one day and he came home around 2 o'clock that afternoon and he was so messed up. i mean he couldn't even put a sentence together. and he told me later on that he took 10 vicodin that day. this was by 2 o'clock. if he didn't have the opi