kathy russo. the second vice president will be mrs. ann maria perini and vice president is mrs. lorie and i will be the president of the council. >> congratulations. >> thank you. i hope to serve the commission and the council, as well as mrs. perrini did. >> that is my report. >> the composition of your advisory committee, each supervisor entitled to appoint one; right? >> yes, sir. >> besides those eleven, how many for the public -- other than those eleven, how many slots? >> eleven. >> there are 22. >> there are 22 folks. >> that is almost eleven other than the supervisors. >> yes. >> let me ask you then, how are the other eleven chosen, besides those chosen by each supervisor? >> the commission chooses them. >> oh, this commission? >> yes. >> recommended. >> thank you. >> you are quite welcome. also i failed to mention that we have a new co-chair for the legislative committee diane lawrence is here and she will be giving the report. are there any questions? yes? >> you were saying about the site visit? >> yes. >> what are you looking for? you have a list that you check off o