you just heard manue vl valls say that it is normal in situations like this that we question the security in the country but all people want to remain calm and not draw any immediate conclusions. francois hollande speaking earlier said that he did not want the agreement to close. he wanted continued movement across the european borders and for france to still welcome a silence speakers. >> the talk of closing the borders -- this was marine le pen, the leader of the far right national front party, that was her point, the point she made to francois hollande this morning. tell us about that meeting. >> marine le pen came out very strongly, repeating her line that for her, radical fundamentalism has declared war on france. she has been signaling the alert for quite some time that such an attack could take place. she wanted the agreement to be stopped absolutely as of now. she came out quite angry about this protest that is going to be held on sunday. she feels she wasn't invited that she was excluded from all the talks and all the other political parties of unity in france and she will not be