as reporter stacy butler reports from los angeles she tells us it is now causing controversy. >> reporteren he started you tube prankster parked in front of this anaheim liquor storm december 20th with this man in the back seat, he immediately texted his girl friend. >> i think they will do a prank. i don't know i will wait for the video. >> reporter: four days later the video appears on you tube. in it lynn offered thomas, the home less man, hundred dollars, and followed him to see if he would spend it on liquor. lynn tells audience thomas has no idea camera is on him as homeless man gives out food to others. >> i was there followed him, they drove him there. >> reporter: video went viral and so far people have donated more than 133 you this dollars to thomas. he a says lynn and passenger dropped thomas off at liquor store. he said he believes that thomas is homeless, but says the whole thing was staged. >> i think manner how they portrayed the video is deceitful and honest. >> reporter: he has since posted videos of the 56 year-old getting a make over, staying in the hotel and eating ou