the task at hand and in that regard working alongside ike for these several years i can say, as alex costanza said, this is a man of character and integrity that i would be proud to have represent me on the commission. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> hi my name is cameron, i've been in san francisco for 22 years, something like that, been here a long time. so i can say as someone moves into the city, as someone who's been here a long time, okay, is this person going to help us or is he just going to do his thing? ike is someone who really cares about the city. he's really come in and taken on our culture and lifestyle here. i went for a ride in his electric car and he sold me on that one. you know but even just like he was telling me about how, you know, energy saving and the garden on the roof of his daughter's play house and when he talks about these things, you know, when you hear someone talk about their bills on energy saving, it's not normally the most interesting thing in the world, but baes he's so passionate about this kind of thing, i was in it.