at cafÉ boem about 30 christmas bookings were cut in december.used to exist in northern scotland that is not there anymore. maury: this is a redistribution of income. away from oil producing countries to oil consuming countries. the counter to all of this will be the united states probably having a pretty good year because we are on balance and oil importer, and this is good for us. it is good for a lot of developing countries that are net consumers of oil, be it china, india but personally think there has been too much focus on the losers are not enough focus on the winners. tom: you have been out front on this. you had leadership and optimism on the american economy. you do that in your new book maury: "inside the crystal ball: how to make and use forecasts." let's summarize the latest work you have done. we get a lot of mail that is like, eh, maybe not. maury: it is good for america when you look at how much money we are saving. when i say we, i mean the consumer sector and the business sector. when you compare how much we are saving on energy