skipping a little bit because kevin landy is an expert on this. i turn briefly to the prison rape elimination act and isist's i.c.e. regulation standards. department wide regulations in march 2014 to prevent, detect, respond sexual assault in dhs confinement facilities. while dhs had components in place before prea to prevent sexual abuse, the dhs regulations created uniform effective safeguards against sexual abuse in i.c.e. and cbp custody. my colleagues will discuss implementation of regulations within their components in more detail. from my office's perspective, we operate a department-wide working group to facilitate consistency in implementation where that's appropriate, and we assist the components on various prea issues where we can. crcl was also involved in the development in isis 2008 and 2011 performance-based standards or pnds and family residential standards which accomplish most of the safeguards enumerated under prea. i.c.e. is also revising its standards to incorporate additional prea requirements, and my office is providing tech