we've got music from liv warfield is here.ut i think you'll like that. [ cheers and applause ] all of that, no disrespect to anyone, but all of that pales in comparison to what happened just north of phoenix today in sun city, arizona, llamas on the loose. did you see this? two llamas that belonged to a mobile petting zoo, they were part of a demonstration at a care center for the elderly. and then they decided they didn't want to be a part of the demonstration. and ran for their lives. you can see, look at this guy chasing them by the way. what is he going to do? he can't even keep his pants on. the llamas got out into traffic, and of course everybody stopped because there's llamas on the loose. they're running around for almost two hours. finally they were surrounded. but no, no. like walter way ton, the llama got away. they didn't want any part of anyone. now -- okay, there they are running right down the middle of the road. you see everyone's trying to get these llamas. well, no good, no good, no good, no good, nothing. th