mr. rosenberg.first of all, i don't think the president dirterred we have had thousands of air strikes. thousands of american troops in iraq. a coalition of 60 countries working together to go after and degrade isis as the president says. and now what he is going to do, he is going to do bill what you want. he is going to do more. what he is doing now is asked congress to join him to show the resolve the president of the united states is together with our congress unified towards a new strategy that will carry us forward for the next three years. >> i don't even think -- i don't think that's going to pass. let me just challenge a couple of your remarks. you say the president has not dirterred okay? how does a terror organization congress core thousands of miles of territory in two nations, syria and iraq unopposed? how does that happen? if you are not nothing now after they are conquering, after occupying mosul and towns after executing thousands of civilians, raping women, abusing little girls, yes