. >> i refuse to believe that i beat jack lemon, that i beat al pacino, that i beat peter sellers. i refuse to believe that robertt that this is kind of wrong, and i know i shouldn't be saying this because we're talking about the oscars, and on many levels it's fantastic. >> there are people who are giving that artistic part of themself that goes beyond a paycheck, and they are never up here, and many of them are not members of the academy, and we never hear of them. >> in the end, we are artists, and art is not about competition or prizes. it really isn't. >> and to that artistic family that strives for excellence, none of you have ever lost. and i am proud to share this with you and i thank you. >> competition, by its very nature, creates winners and losers. ♪ i'm singing in the rain but some movies overlooked by oscar have stood the test of time and are now regarded as classics. ♪ i'm happy again ♪ i'm laughing at clouds >> it's very hard to say one film is better than another. is "the godfather" better than "2001 space odyssey?" i don't know. is "annie hall" better than "good fellas?" i don't know. every year