>>good morning president james, seriina and commissioners, just a few things to report.st of all i want to thank deputy mcfadden for taking responsibility in replacing me of december in washington dc at a board meeting and having visits on the hill and that's where i want to start with my report in terms of things that have been happening since i saw you. you know that congress was able to reach a budget agreement so we are not having a continuing resolution at this point, we actually have the budget in place and that budget although not having all the things that we were certainly advocating for when the board was in dc in early december it had one thing in it that was a very pleasant surprise and that was that for the very first time congress has provided $4 million for the elder justice act initiative and this is something that's been in place for years but has never been funded and there was a lot of concern that if there wasn't funding put into the budget at this point the act itself might go away and have to start all over with that. the president has, in his budge