the susan shaprio court has no evidence or proof to prove that hamas is a terror organization or that it conducted a criminal action agates the egyptian security or military it's a big shame. the shame for the judicial system in egypt. and i think that this will give support for others to continue aggression against our people. and i think they understand well. we have contact with the egyptian officials, and i think they have all the time according to our discussion with them, they have one prove, not one prove that hamas is involved in any action against the egyptian army or people. >> well they say the military wings of hamas are taking part in operations killing egyptian soldiers in the sinai, that's the contention. >> look i think all these are lies. we understand and i think even the egyptians, they under that this is a big lie, and that what is done in the melissa chan media, it's taken as a fact to the court. i think this is the problem. they don't understand how to judge them how to take it. they don't have witnesses, proof, anything in order to say that hamas is a terrorist