this is the active cohort of individuals covered under the uhc city plan. as you can see we're at 600 and e plus ones at 76 and we're at 33 people in the family. most of these people are in areas where there is a special stipend that allows them to not have to pay the now $400 contribution rate based on the recent contribution formula and if you look at the premium levels those controlled to blue shield and kaiser rates are very big, and so the policy has been to continue carrying this forward and at some point and time i recommend that we consider what we're going to do besides just -- at some point either do we change this? reignite the plan, close the plan? i don't know but we need to address it at this point and it's hard to rate when it's some small so that's the data there we turn over to page three. we look at the early retiree program, the experience is slightly better. i want to point out i have a little issue with membership but we carried forward what we thought is the correct membership. this won't change the answer. this is running okay. this e