i used in math class in juilliard, there are 20 kinds of masks, old and young man masks, and when yout mask on and look in the mirror and your face goes away you become liberated, your body does things you wouldn't want your body to do because you're seeing yourself, but when you take away that and your own face and you can start to see yourself as someone else that, to me, is the greatest compliment that i can ever feel as an actor is when people stop me on the street and talk about the character i've played as if it was a three-dimensional person. they don't talk about me, they say the character's name and i think, i think i did my job. >> rose: if you -- if an actor or writer had done that for you, you create somebody who has flesh and blood -- >> the character comes true. it's interesting we live in a world where we know so much about people and their lives and their courtships and their ups and downs and this and that. i remember when i used to go to the cinema when i was younger, the new art theater and watch henry fonda and spencer tracy and jimmy stewart and gene kelly, they w