located in syria virginia macon's castle is the oldest brick dwelling in the united states. it was occupied nathaniel bacon supporters during the political uprising. originally called arthur allen's brickhouse, we learn about the structure and some of the virginians who called it home. jennifer: my name is jennifer hurst-wender, the director of the museum. today we are bacon's castle. in surrey county, virginia. bacon's castle is on the national register of historic sites. we are the oldest brick dwelling in north america. the house boasts a very rare architectural style. it's called high jacobean architecture and there are only three examples of this style of architecture in the entire west hemisphere. the other two are in barbados. this is the only one in the united states. and this room would have been directly above where visitors would have initially entered into bacon's castle in 1665 until the addition was built and the entrance was moved. but it is from this room that you can really get a fantastic view of why we specifically refer to this house as being in the jacob