. >> in reaction to the injunction, which is not been stayed, we shut down the implementation of dopa and expanded doca. we did that very soon after the injunction became known to us. we were in compliance with the court order. and the things that we were trying to put in place, what we were trying to put in place will either be discontinued or they will be diverted for some other use that we have -- principally, we were complying with the injunction. >> so, there is no ongoing preparation for what you are planning to do originally? johnson: the implication of the program which have begun after november 20, we had to suspend. >> let me go back to the gang member issue. i just want to ask about a recent decision in the fourth circuit, which involved gang members under the nia. i am sure that gang membership may constitute a protected characteristic that can entitle an individual to asylum -- if you are an ms-13 member, you might be in danger in your home country. you can then not go back to your home country. we can be set up for significant fraud there. how do you interpret that rulin