united states on our borders at our foreign embassies and forward operating bases and to help protect our allies including south korea. it includes language am h.r. 1349, but graham lamborn united states israelnti-tunneling defense cooperation act. our closest ally in the middle east, israel from the dead of the constant threat of a terrorist attack from underground tunnels. is launched an unprecedented new initiative to protect israel from this dangerous minister to secure peace we must help additional security state from attacks. i am don't have saved countless civilian lives, and anti-tunneling defensive shield will save countless more. i yield back, thank you for giving me the opportunity to offer my statement. >> i thank the gentleman was discussing the previous amendment which was fine. is a their other discussion on mr. nugent's amendment? if not the question is -- i'm sorry. the gentleman from rhode island. >> thank you. if i could just chime in briefly. i think mr. nugent for his thoughtful and intense support for directed energy come and she and i share that interest. i stand a strong strong opponent of directed energy and to support the champ program. i think the directed entity w