jason fichtner: thanks, david. good afternoon, guys. there is an old joke that if you lined up all the economists end to end, the one thing you would not get is a conclusion. but we are actually up here in a lot of agreement on tax policy. on what is wrong with taxes, the tax system, corporate income tax, what needs to be done with it. and it puts me in an odd spot. my two colleagues have said almost everything. i am going to clean up at some points that they touched upon and we emphasize the importance of it. we are also now getting into the start of the presidential sort of election season, if you will. and with that, candidates come out with their various tax plans, and there is misinformation on what taxes does and doesn't do. it might be a good time to review some of the important issues about tax rates and bases and margins. so, with that, i want to highlight what both david and dan said about how economists generally prefer a broader tax base with lower marginal rates. this is very important because it really is the tax rates tha