penn literary awards one in biography here, jeff hobbs' book with, and one in science writing, joshua horowitz's book. and i think it's worth noting that this book here is actually on two of those lists, and he's our youngest participant. this is not his first book but it's his first book as far as i know of nonfiction, so it's quite an achievement. we also have books that are going to take us to places that really, in my mind as i read them can change how we look at the world. books are going to take us underwater, going to take us hundreds of feet underground, they're going to take us into the amazon and to pittsburgh and to birmingham, england, which is quite an amazing journey. and then they're each going to -- even going to take us to yale which may be the most exotic destination of all from my perspective. [laughter] and then they're also going to raise some important questions that hopefully, we'll get to explore a little bit. what are the real costs associated with climate change? if i pay $5 for this book and you later get a bill for $25 for the same book, what is the real inherent of t