. >> we're at a tenants meeting called by keisha jacobs, who lives in this building. >> i could be homeless too. any one of us could have something happens and we lose money, lose an apartment. anyone of us could find ourselves without our home. >> the building is rent stabilized. but keisha was the last paying tenant to move in. >> people told us when they were leaving. they were like 'this building is about to change drastically.' >> she started to notice bunk beds and mattresses being moved into the building so she asked the building supervisor what was happening. >> he was like 'oh those are for the people.' i said 'what people?' and so he was like 'oh for the shelter people.' >> the city was turning keisha's building into a type of homeless shelter known as a cluster site - a privately owned building that shelters homeless families. >> they're housing families in need of emergency shelter in my building. >> the city created cluster sites over a decade ago. as homelessness grew mayor bloomberg increasingly favored paying private landlords for shelter. >> the folks who own this building