on lake titicaca, 3800 meters above sea level. >> the exercises are important. we're preparing for possible military operations. if we regain access to the sea, our people need to be well-trained. >> a navy force but no sea access. nevertheless, the country is proud of its marines. each year, there are more applications than places for young bolivians hoping to do military service with the navy. this year for the first time, the navy is introducing a military diving division. many women have chosen to join its ranks. they long for bolivia to regain its position as a naval force on the pacific. >> we no longer have access to the sea. but we long for it. sea access would solve so many problems. and i want to get to know the sea. >> bolivia lost its coastline more than 130 years ago in war -- in the war of the pacific against chile. it's still a source of national trauma. now, more than ever, bolivia would benefit from re-gaining access to the sea. ♪ bolivia is experiencing a boom. last year, the economy grew by 6.5%. the country is rich in reserves and sovereign d