frank littlety. he put together a report for legislation. at a federal and state level. for the disability community to be aware of. i'm going to go over briefly some of them. so this is from a california state budget level a coalition. of 200 is advocating for restoration. income state supplementary payment. ssi/ssp. funding. to roll back the cost in recent state budgets. inhome support services. ihff coalition. consisting of 49 organizations. is advocating for restoration. of the 7% cut in in home support services. funding. approved by the legislature in 2014. the cfilc disability rights california. drc. and traumatic brain services of california tbist. are augments the tbi fund through 1 million annually. fund assessment. to maintain the program over the next four years. this would mean that the tbi services. remain funded at current level through the existing set date of 20 mine teen. and would provide funding for the department of rehabilitation. to staff the tbi program. advocates. are opposing the ihss worker. to work more than 40 hours per week. at a federal leve