had been a move in the direction of arguing for slaves rights, and having this religious life -- herskovitz argues this is all of the americas and the caribbean islands. for the most part, we now talk about ways in which this is a dialectic or a conversation between those experiences, the religious experiences that came out of west africa, and how they formed the slave culture where they are located. so today you would have people who will still argue forcibly that slaves did not take on a form of christianity at all. they just mimicked it. or they took it on so much that they had the extreme argument. they had become much more comfortable with the scenario that it was adaptability. people take on different characteristics and they ship them to their own purposes and means. i will give you an example. this idea of hand. there are examples of slaves who will mimic slaveowners. the whole thing. slaves should be good and submissive slaves. there are slaves to say that. there are narrative essays written stories that have come out. i will tell you one about john jasper. the idea that slaves emb