and where was raymond jennings? reporter: blake hammered home the time line, told the jury how michelle arrived in the parking lot at 9:23 then at 9:25 moved her car to a second space, told them how jennings on foot patrol must have seen her, must have confronted her, something went wrong. he produced a gun and shortly after 9:30 michelle o'keefe was dead. >> he took that girl's life to preserve his own after making a grave mistake with her. that's what the evidence will show. >> reporter: and according to the prosecutor, it was no coincidence that virtually all those details jennings provided about the crime were accurate. >> he's remembering where he was. he's remembering the positions of the car. he knows the angles of the bullets took as they passed through michelle o'keefe. he knows all this stuff because he is the shooter. >> reporter: or maybe not. jennings said the defense had figured out what the cops could not and was merely trying to help. >> by making this case complex and overlaying things that mr. jenn