. >> i asked stelius he told me teachers are easy for tax appraisers to find and he accepts his fate. but the new anticorruption czar should be cracking down on the superwealthy tax evaders. they are much better at hiding their tracks. on my visit i noticed a country that everyone knows how to get around the rules. cheating seems to be a way much life in greece even in some surprising places. corruption in greece is pervasive, from bribery at the highest formation of media to working greeks who don't disclose their income to avoid being taxed on it. >> translator: let me tell you the concept of corruption is so broad and vague that it can fall into a lot of things. it is certain that corruption and economic crime are often linked very closely and in this sense, indeed tax evading is associated with corruption. >> the problem of corruption in greek society is so pervasive that it governs every day transaction is. >> absolutely. doctors, dentists, lawyers notaries, you name it. they give you a discount. and you do not declare. you do not ask for a receipt. >> this woman who asked us to