because of eniac's computer power, it could add five thousand numbers in one second. scientists working on the first hydrogen bomb used it in their work. following that success, eckert and mauchly started their own business and began to working on cutting down the size, cost and power usage all while trying to up the performance. when that didn't go as planned, remington-rand bought their company and provided the resources to make the "univac" a reality. by june 14, 1951, remington-rand dedicated its first 16 thousand pound univac-one to the u.s. census bureau. "it's the first electronic computing system to be proven by widespread use." the very next year the univac became famous when cbs news used the fifth one ever produced to predict the winner of the 1952 presidential election. the univac shocked people when it correctly predicted dwight eisenhower would win in a landslide soon after the first polls closed. the univac soon gave way to newer technology. transistor computers that were a lot smaller and used up a lot less power. but in 1951, the idea of a 'work' comp