one, upindicates on linkedin.arget company size seniority levels, job titles and employees of specific companies. you can promote your own articles or blog post to advise your business page and brand yourself at the same time. two, banner ads. find out what your group is reading online and advertise on those industry-specific pages. three, promote google hangouts. you can record them automatically to show them on youtube. four, contribute to online magazines. publishing outstanding content on the right website is a cost effective way to leave your mark and put a face to a name for potential customers and five advertise during how-to videos on youtube. video ads can be time consumeing. provide helpful information and showing the usefulness of your product or service. >>> between linkedin and twitter and facebook we're all doing a lot of networking online. this can lead to clbrations or partnerships with people we never met with a person. our next guest has a checklist for to you use in order to protect yourself whe