national security officials, famous diplomats, including jim baker and brent scowcroft and marine general zinni and the head of the former national security agency, bill odom, spoke out and wrote against invading iraq before it happened in march 2003. a majority of the people in this country think that there's something inflated about our military budget. [scattered laughter] all right. well, they've read the pentagon audits and the gao reports and the "60 minute" exposes and so on. it's horrendously inflated. waste, fraud, abuse is only part of it. we're still building cost-overrun military weapons systems designed for the soviet union era of hostility. like, the f-22 should never be built. you could put it on this stage. that's how much $200 million of electronics cost, profit in overruns. why are we building more submarines, nuclear submarines? one trident submarine--nuclear warheads can destroy 200 cities. that's before it reloads. why are we building more aircraft carriers, $15 billion a carrier? we got 13. the next country to challenge us is italy, has two. [laughter] it's the military in