. >> and the fact that npr, that sirius satellite, that armed forces radio network have continued to carry me and to expand coverage all over the world says to me that... and i totally understand the vulnerability that my voice makes people feel. i understand that, but at the same time, i think there are those who say, "you go, girl. you hang in there and you keep doing it, because you represent what all of us are," which is human. with frailty, with disability, with problems. with the reality that none of us on-screen or behind the microphone is perfect. >> hinojosa: there is that image though, you know. if you're on-camera or behind a microphone, somehow it's like, "oh, it's all perfect for you." "it's all in your... you're fine, you're invincible!" >> "she has no problems." >> hinojosa: "no problems whatsoever." >> "she is the height of perfection, she makes all the money in the world." >> hinojosa: yeah, in public media. >> yeah, exactly. "and she can choose her clothes." you know, it's fiction. and that is... >> hinojosa: though you do look fabulous, wonderful. >> thank you. >>