honor to introduce all of you to the governor of the great state of north dakota - the honorable jack dalrymple >> the governor is also chairman of the industrial commission, which can influence the pace of oil and gas development in the state through its permitting process. >> i think legislators and the governor's office and the regulators are being influenced by oil money, you bet. >> we should all be proud of the vital role our state is playing to help america strengthen its energy independence. >> fault lines requested an interview with the governor several times with no success, so we've come to the capitol in bismarck to ask him about worker safety in the oil fields. >> hi governor sorry to interrupt, i've come from washington dc and i was wondering if i could ask you a few questions. i host a show called fault lines >> you what? >> i host a show called fault lines. >> fault lines? >> and we've been out in the bakken and i was curious why you didn't bring up worker safety in your speech today and why you haven't done more. 40 guys have died out there in the last four years. >> well we ha