micro brewery and designation as stout porter iba. this condition is intended to limit high and low alcohol products but not a special craft beer products. no. 5. containers larger that 32 ounces is prohibited. no purchase more than four packs per sale and no wine shall be sold in less than manufactured prepackaged multiunit quantity of 4. no. 7. no greater than 15% by volume except for dinner wine aged 2 years or more. condition no. 8. wine shall not be sold in bottles containing 750 ml unless sold in packages. and the powder beverage product is prohibits. with this we are recommending this application for approval and they are here. >> thank you lieutenant and thank you for slipping in condition no. 9 on the powder alcohol and that condition too. i want to acknowledge that yes, we have received letters of support that have come in in the past few days. now, from target express, i believe beth or someone representing target is here. >> hello, my name is bethany wilson, the target manager. i'm happy to be here on behalf of target and