which is kind of confusing in this video because it's posted by dick boyle, he decided he was going tose to his girlfriend while they were diving in asia. >> potential to go wrong skyrocketed. >> i just hope they have fishing line on the ring. >> this is unwrapping with a sign under the water. it says, will you marry me? you can see, she wants to do the goofy thing, well, i'm under water, i can't do that. >> and then how do you communicate because you're scuba diving. what are you going to say -- [ muffled ] the dive master starts looking for the ring which does panic dick because it takes a little longer than expected. >> she shows her a picture of what he bought. >> slips the ring on her finger under the water. then you got to give your future bride the kiss. they take out the air that seals the moment. you there go, took her breath away, literally. >> hey! >> after watching this video, you will no longer be able to just relax while out at a park. trying to mind your own business downtown. there might be a werewolf lurking by. >> hey -- just get. get. >> that's weird. >> it's not an