. >> thank you friday that is something coming back to you i'm going to let geremo rodriguez walk us through. >> for the record commissioners that is brought back for action i mean at you're also commissioner meeting it went back and forth and keep it clarified in that discussion staff recognizes that the memo that was presented to you for action then had mistakes in the memo so we're bringing back to you this version correcting those mistakes and the memo that is before you for action here to make it simply for you i struck out the language that we're proposing be removed from the memo and double undermine those words that we're including here the item before i is again removes the bio diversity we mentioned that in our public comments to you but it was still in the documents so we removed that as well as the language in each of the program categories that was in conflict that the overview action wear asking you to approve this evening is a corrected version so we can have on file and i'll be happy to answer any questions ultimately the purpose content of the memo that you all debat