for fear of being called racist, in fact mexican immigrants didn't stay there or immigrant to hondros china didn't -- [inaudible] >> they want to come to the country that is or was america. if this continues, it is not going to be america. >> why isn't it america if there are many people from latin america and from asia? >> because these are very, very different cultures. very different cultures. what determines the least corrupt countries is number of years of british rule and protestantism run by jews, but i haven't done studies to harvard. it is done. americans say they want less immigration, not more. >> and a problem, switzerland, australia they have twice as many immigrants per capita. >> before you can become a citizen that's a fine idea. >> 47% of the country is made up of immigrants 13% of the united states. >> i'm confident they are not taking more immigrants from nigeria than england as america is. >> if you bring up -- >> the stat you're about to give. >> nigerians more likely to work than americans -- higher percentage. also from ghana. [inaudible] >> gotten too many -- request