thousands of volunteers have come out there to volunteer over the years and the volunteers keep coming craig dawsona part of the reason he's smart and have hard working and perhaps most at all persistence and determination in the face of adversity this project demonstrates the work of dawson is smooth sailing i don't doubt he brings to this project his formidable talents and strengthens of character he has spoken for years about the importance of ground floor retail space in maintaining the character of the neighborhood as a place where you can walk or ride your bike to do route errands now he's putting your money where your mouth is i don't know if he is going to make a lot of money on this project i certainly hope he does nobody would deserve it more. >> commissioners, if i may interrupt those folks lined up in front of the door you're creating a fire hazard line up on the screen side of the room and those persons for items later on the agenda there's an overflow room on the light court thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i can probably say ditto but i came last time i'm bonnie scomboen e