ryrohito's in decisive victo is fatally compromised and should probably be considered after june 1944 really in the cast of moderates. he really wants out to save the kokutai as he sees it. which means he will be emperor after the war is over. by the end of june, evidence suggests hirohito would accept the terms coming out of potsdam. potsdam is not until the end of july. the evidence seems to suggest that hirohito will accept what comes out of pots them -- p potsdam if the soviets will media. that hope completely misplaced. the united states knows it is the last chance. it is like playing poker. he is looking at their hand. he is not looking at mine. it is really well-known. hirohito keeps this attitude close to his vest about where he , is. by mid july, the firebombing had caused fear for hirohito's life. this gets glossed over, but they create this cheyenne mountain, or what is the place where the place in west virginia where the president is supposed to hide? anyways, the japanese have one of those in world war ii. it is in the mountains. they tell hirohito, hey, we want you to ge