that thing was following him around, kept head butting his sloop but mccracken said that even after repeatedlying the shark with his ore, and he made it to shore, the shark in three feet of water right off the coastline waiting for him to return. that's cute, isn't it? waiting for him like a puppy. with the right attitude, anyone can befriend anyone like the time my colleagues tamed a shark. this is great. watch. ♪ >> oh, my god. the shark actually recognizes him. >> no, he's viciously attacking him. >> see? it's fun. topic number three. oh, drunk girl, we have seen so much of of her lately. whether it's this photo bomber in iowa, yeah, there she goes. doing some exercises during broadcast or this girl selling screams on home shopping network. and now there's this latest drunk tiny dancierer, at sports authority field taking in the bolder colorado game and she decided to go on the ledge and drunk dance for the enthused crowd. for a moment, the way she was dancing, she was taking her top, i thought she was getting mardi gras beads, instead she was taken into custody by officers of the law. here