the only limitation is sprint's .etwork network? is it sprints andrew: the vulnerability isn't really the network it is the uconnect computer. but as a result of the research, chrysler has had a full recall and fixed the vulnerability or at least sent out a usb to drivers to plug into their dashboard and update and fix it. this is not a sprint problem. this is a chrysler problem and the uconnect computer. if you have a 2014 chrysler vehicle, with a uconnect machine in the dashboard, you probably got one of these usbs. you should not just put it in a drawer, you need to update your software. charlie useris and any special equipment or computers? andrew: the hardware was simple stuff. they spent years working on the software. i think chris used a windows machine and charlie used a macbook in the attached these cheap android, sprint enabled phones, but that stuff is available to anyone. this is not something that anyone could do. chris and charlie are brilliant hackers. charlie spent years working for the nsa. this is not something that