we rawant to welcome john robinson, the current sheriff, ross mercurimi and former int interrim sheriff vviki shermery >> did you fail a gun marksmanship test? >> no. i did not. the sheriff is not required to carry a weapon. my predecessor rarely did. i wanted to try a weapon that i was not familiar with. i went to practice. >> it was my understanding that date was the date set aside for qualification tests, not for practice. >> that's why sheriff. it was the best day for me go. >> what was your score? >> it was below the standard that was required. that's why i said i will do it again. >> does this just much ado about nothing or does it say something about the sheriff or how he is being unfairly tarred by accusations like this? >> i think this one may have other elements in it. i don't think that -- i do think it's something that i don't think is a big issue. >> when you say other elements what are they? >> i'm not sure if everything is accurate as being portrayed in the newspaper. i'm not sure what's being told here is accurate. i just suspect that there may be other things behind it.