is anton gorev gonna run against maria ostrov for the presidency? why do you ask? some intelligence officers say that they were bringing gorev's daughter to the embassy. olga? yeah. they said she would stay for a month. then i thought maybe she's some kind of leverage. but maybe this is at her request. go back to your dorm. lehane: i know this is disappointing, but in many ways, the entertainment industry is like the federal government, right? it's large, somewhat inefficient, and it's very resistant to change. if you would just agree to keep working with me, i... much as i hate to do it, i can't. it's-it's just not feasible. i have to pass. i can get you ten minutes with the president. i already met him-- fundraiser at gwen stefani's house. matt: it's nice to meet you. daisy: great meeting you, thank you so much. it was so nice to meet you. (elevator dings) thank you. okay, appreciate it. okay, nice to see you. nice to see you. okay, let's go. listen, you're right, okay? i don't... i don't have anything to trade with you. come on. ten years ago, i was stationed at