pushing for a bill through the municipal authority that will allow musicality is to control and dimblebyeighborhoods. i am the mother of two young children. so i have to be very careful if i want to remain inactive participant because if i don't come i cannot chaperone? i do talks - - american culture limo laziness schools countersigned told the shy. in begin by giving your name. >> my name is very. end and i really enjoyed the presentations that may help to clarify because i am not sure everybody here --. hagen to your thought. >> review and direct action limited to talking. >> my name is billion so i do remember in the '80s there was a movement that the college against apartheid in selfie africa. it is hard to get the -- visualize now but there was as many 5,000 people in south africa. they say there's numbers in a string if you want to accomplish anything, apartheid was put out of business so to speak. it ended that part so i don't say that was and when the action but they are all over the world. mitt would be a good idea to put away the high tuitions that people pay for college. when