dot sf dpw for additional information about the history of the assistant posh as alternative reservoirs that are available in the treatment of care and the form that can be faxed or e-mailed our goal to maximize the participation we anticipate there will be a need in some cases to request a court order but the goal of the court order is to utilize the solid weight of the court to leverage someone into care bye or by the nature of having someone in the treatment is the black roan effect it is important to note that while a court order maybe in place should someone nobody held in dmment or sent to the hospital unless they meet the hospitalization criteria, however, the care team will be working diligently to engage the individuals and offer them services and monitor them to see if they need hospitalization further individual which are court ordered into treatment will be receiving the treatment here this is well known for the respected services within the community while the services are occupied in the law it is important to note it san francisco has a hifthd of hefty of a robust mlk sys