our people, diseases, wars, we have really been diminished as a people with our lands, coulter, haveagesd are ways been attacked, not only physically, but through policies. for us to be hosting all the anntries today is quite accomplishment, to say the least. my position is one of the traditional leadership of the shoshone. the women choose the leaders. they are the grandmothers and they give out names for all the children. the mothers. they have a big responsibility, women, children, bringing them up. in that way, we give the duty to the women to choose the leaders, , and when they grow up, what qualities they have. it is up to them to choose the leaders of their clan. our history, and how we came born against each other. she is a message from the creator, and a certain man was to bring the message. he brought this message of peace to our people. as he was spreading the word, and as the nation develops, they said, when they brought all the nations together, which was the , and geographically, starting from the east to the the seneca.hawks to one of the first agreements was that they wou