you can negotiate with john c. calhoun for me. that was the level of her ferocity and intransigence on the issue of slavery. she first met elizabeth katy ton. elizabeth katy stanton was 22 years younger, ask when they met, they met in unlikely place, which was at the world antislavery convention in london, england, in 1840. so, two americans meeting in london. and they had other connections, but lucretia mott was there as a delegate from various american antislavery societies. she was officially there to attend the world antislavery convention. elizabeth indicate katie stanston was there on her honeyman. she married an abolitionist named hedgery stanton. so it was a political journey, but the two million instantly expected elizabeth katie stanton later described lucretia mott a revelation of womanhood. i had never met someone like her and didn't know it was possible for women to be so outspoken and independent. so he became an admirer of lucretia mott. elizabeth katie snap ton referred to lucretia mott as the moving spirit of the