first, linkdin founder reid hoffman. he is not the newer has become a venture capitalist.airbnb and facebook. emily put the question to him simply -- are we in a tech double? >> in some ways we are in a bubble in some ways we are not. , what is key is that it tends to be a private market bubble and the private market bubble does not have as much public market impact, so i think that it is not something that when you hearken back to 2000-2001, you worry about quite as much. emily: we are in a bubble in the private market but not the public market? >> a quasi-bubble. emily: i talked your colleague who said something similar, and someone else that we are headed toward catastrophic events. mark andreessen also says that we are in a long-term best. tech is undervalued. why is there such a diversity of opinion? >> the question comes down to -- how much do you believe that new things will be invented that will be solutions to the problems that are not invented yet? inherently, you could build companies from essentially an idea to something really globally relevant and three years