. -- northernota lost minnesota lost 10,000 jobs. that's part of what it means to build a strong country. that's one of the things the president can provide. that's the kind of leadership you have to provide if there's a feeling that special incentives have to be provided to help troubled regional economies but i think the president can do that and i've seen it work at the state level. >> one last brief question. with your emphasis on the massachusetts economy in your campaign, every time a plant , massachusetts has the potential to become a big deal. that thee any signs massachusetts economy is weakening and if it did, would it be a problem for you? >> but me say this. one of the things that bring to this campaign is a certain amount of experience in being successful in dealing with some very serious economic problems. on the other hand, the speech i delivered at the cuomo forum and other things i been talking about, dealing with these as national and international issues which is what they are. time, i take my responsibilities as g