find out why it is all thanks to a paino. -- to a piano. devon: kellye: a prince george's county man is making music and history at the same time. jeannette reyes explains. the sound of jazz jam sessions fill this capitol heights home. it is also hard not to notice the grand pno and blazoned with have not probably heard of before. worn chad is quickly making a name for himself -- warren chad is quickly making a name for himself in the industry. >> it's impressive. he is a visionary. ette: he is a former child prodigy drummer who is now in industry. steinway and yamaha have taken notice. whating a musician, i know people want to hear. jeanette: this father was one of the top piano technicians in the country. after playing gigs for years, he wanted something more. >> initially the challenge was, how do i do this with zero dollars. jeanette: he took a leap of faith in 2003, taking on big names with hardly any capital. he is not hurting now though. $28es range from $22,000 to 0,000. ianos aroundelling paino the world with no overhead. , twod he