said that it is a serious problem, not just in kenya, but in other countries as well, including the vafican. it starts with an individual. if you don't take bribes, then the next person will not engage in corruption as well. he talked very strongly about tribalism, another issue that is affecting the country people here are divided on ethnic lines. he talked about the need to unite and to get together in solidarity as one country, as one people. he also talked about the youth and radicalization. he said frustrated youth are youth that is disenfranchised, it is very easy to radicalise, to recruit by armed groups, politician, gangs and things like that. so people here we spoke to after the pope had left say that they really welcomed his message. it's a message that resonates with many of them. they hope that the leaders here will listen not only to that message but also act on it >>> live for us there in the capital on the continuing visit of the pope there. thanks for that. the first african girls summit on ending child marriage is being held in zambia where 42% of girls are married before t